- Are we spending too much, too little, or about the right amount on Law enforcement?
Are we spending too much, too little, or about the right amount on National defense?
Both from GSS – URL:
- Self-administered questionnaire revised questions:
Are we spending too much on law enforcement?
Are we spending too little on law enforcement?
Are we spending the right amount on law enforcement?
Are we spending too much on national defense?
Are we spending too little on national defense?
Are we spending the right amount on national defense?
3) A self-administered survey requires questions that have clear-cut responses.
The responses need to be “this” or “that” answers, such as yes or no, in order to accurately calculate responses. The questions have to be closed ended in order to utilize the function of a self-administered survey. The revised questions are well formatted because they are closed ended and the only responses could be yes or no.
4) These questions are trying to illicit responses about how the interviewees feel
about law enforcement and national defense fund allocations. The questions each ask specific values whether it is “too much” or “too little” in regards to the amount of money spent. By having closed ended questions, the surveyor is able to find out exactly how the interviewees feel about the questions and their responses.
5) In an interview type of setting fewer questions would be necessary to illicit an
accurate response. The initial questions found on the GSS webpage would be suitable to an interview type of survey. Asking the self-administered questionnaire questions would be redundant and condescending. Fewer questions would be acceptable for an interview and would maintain the reliability and validity of the data collected.