Friday, September 23, 2011

Research Methods: Closed Ended Questions

us department homeland security immigration

us government immigration
Research Methods : Closed form question types.

  1. Do you think the US government is doing enough to regulate the entry of illegal immigrants?
  2. Do you think the US government should increase the amount of money spent on deportation of illegal immigrants?
  3. Do you think the US government should decrease the amount of money spent on deportation of illegal immigrants?
  4. How much money do you think the US government spends on illegal immigrants in the criminal justice system annually?
    1. $0-$25,000
    2. $25,001-$50,000
    3. $50,001-$75,000
    4. $75,001-$100,000
    5. $100,001+
  5. Do you think deportation of illegal immigrants is an effective way to handle the criminal offenses committed by these individuals?
  6. Do you think illegal immigrants commit a higher ratio of violent crimes compared to legal immigrants or US citizens?
  7. Do you think there are ways to decrease the amount of money spent on illegal immigrants in the criminal justice system?
  8. In your opinion, what percentage of inmates in US prisons are illegal immigrants?
    1. 0%-25%
    2. 26%-50%
    3. 51%-75%
    4. 76%-100%
  9. Do you think most illegal immigrants in the criminal justice system are from:
    1. Mexico or South America
    2. Russia
    3. Canada
    4. Eastern Europe
    5. China
    6. Vietnam
    7. Other
  10. Do you think the US fairly handles illegal immigrants in the criminal justice system?

The methodology I would use for this survey is through e-mail or mail. The closed ended questions allow for concrete responses that can be easily calculated. It is all based on opinion and allows yes or no answers for most, or offers a range of responses that includes multiple options. This survey would be useful because I would like to find out the opinions people have on the topic I study. By gathering opinions, I can find out if these opinions are based in any fact or are false beliefs. I would like to survey a diverse pool of people in order to get a wide range of demographics. I would prefer to ask all adults from any age group, any gender, any social class, etc. By having a diverse pool of subjects I believe I can gather more accurate data about public opinions regarding this topic.


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